Sunday, December 22, 2013

Theatre Review: The (Curious Case of The) Watson Intelligence

Playbill: The (Curious Case of The) Watson Intelligence

Pre-Theatre Meal: Chez Napolean
Accompanied By: Mike

We've really been on a play kick recently, so when some cheap tickets for "The (Curious Case of The) Watson Intelligence stumbled on my path, I picked them up. It sounded very interesting, following the story of 3 Watsons in different times: Sherlock's right-hand man, Alexander Graham Bell's assistant, and IBM's supercomputer of Jeopardy fame. I really enjoyed it, cleverly written with interesting parallel's and great actors, definitely a nice night out- we will definitely make an effort to see some more Off Broadway shows as we tend to really enjoy them.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Theatre Review: The Glass Menagerie

Playbill: The Glass Menagerie

Pre-Theatre Meal: Danji
Accompanied By: Mike

Surprisingly I have never read nor seen the classic Tennessee Williams "The Glass Menagerie" so I went into this play "blind" so to speak. Which is exactly how I like to experience theatre, I love to be on the journey as things unfold with no idea where they are going.

I am a huge fan of Celia Keenan-Bolger since seeing her in Peter and the Starcatcher and she did not disappoint as Laura. I also love Zachary Quinto from Star Trek & Heroes, so it was a real treat to see that he had bonafide stage acting chops. And while this was my first time seeing Cherry Jones, I was not surprised to find she was an absolute power given her long and impressive resume.

I would love to see another production of this play, because I could easily see how depending on the Director's/Actors' choices you could find yourself leaning more towards Tom leaving vs staying, but I for one was very conflicted (although Mike was much less so and thought he should absolutely get the eff outta dodge).

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Theatre Review: Then She Fell

Accompanied By: Mike

I'd really wanted experience "Then She Fell" since I'm a huge "Sleep No More" fan and heard lots of great things about this smaller production. I also was very interested to see Immersive Theatre in a different format. Mike bought me tickets for my birthday so we went back in October, but he had accidentally bought tickets for December so we wound up having two sets. My impression after the first visit was that I was really happy that we went, but that I didn't think it would be worth going to again so I asked him to sell the other pair of tickets. He didn't and I am SO glad he didn't! I enjoyed the second visit immensely. Since, it is a smaller space/production, I had assumed that each visitor sees the same scenes, just in a different order so I was very surprised to see that I was very much mistaken and there were entire large spaces of the set that I had never seen/experienced on the first way through.

I really like the contrast that "Then She Fell" offers to "Sleep No More". The main difference is that you are guided through the entire experience and there is little to no direct action required on your part. This is wonderfully relaxing compared to the dog-eat-dog SNM experience. Also, you are usually alone or with only one other audience member and the actor(s) throughout the whole time (there are just 15 audience members per show). This play would be the perfect introduction to immersive theatre for anyone not willing to jump right in to Sleep No More.