Thursday, October 29, 2009

WW: Pumpkin Ravioli!

I felt like branching out from my normal frozen meals of Lean Cuisines and Smart Ones, busted out my iPhone, opened the awesome new Weight Watchers app, and started hitting the Healthy Choice section of the freezer. I calculated the points of a few entrees, but then my eye locked onto something on the bottom left-hand corner of the back of the box. Wait a tic! Can it be? No, surely! Yes! Yes! Healthy Choice has the WW Points on the back of their boxes. A whole line of new frozen entrees have opened up to me! (Because yes, standing at my supermarket freezer calculating points isn't high up on my favorite-things-to-do list). Without hesitation I grabbed The Pumpkin Squash Ravioli entree. Well my friends, today I ate this for lunch. It was pure pumpkiny, autumnal goodness in my mouth. I highly recommend to any fellow pumpkin fanatics out there!

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