Friday, October 30, 2009

POTD: Chair Salsa

I guess this is the time to make the disclaimer that although I call this segment 'Product of the Day', there can be more than one product per day and not every day will have a product. With that in mind, I introduce you to Chair Salsa!

Life of Marie: Halloween Costume

While browsing around for some last-minute Halloween costume ideas I found this pig costume in an article about making costumes. This mom was so proud of this creation that she wanted to share it with the world. In other news, her daughter is looking to be emancipated.

POTD: Very Curious George

Today's Product of the Day is this very, very Curious George footy pajama. I really have to question the placement of the graphic on this item.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

WW: Pumpkin Ravioli!

I felt like branching out from my normal frozen meals of Lean Cuisines and Smart Ones, busted out my iPhone, opened the awesome new Weight Watchers app, and started hitting the Healthy Choice section of the freezer. I calculated the points of a few entrees, but then my eye locked onto something on the bottom left-hand corner of the back of the box. Wait a tic! Can it be? No, surely! Yes! Yes! Healthy Choice has the WW Points on the back of their boxes. A whole line of new frozen entrees have opened up to me! (Because yes, standing at my supermarket freezer calculating points isn't high up on my favorite-things-to-do list). Without hesitation I grabbed The Pumpkin Squash Ravioli entree. Well my friends, today I ate this for lunch. It was pure pumpkiny, autumnal goodness in my mouth. I highly recommend to any fellow pumpkin fanatics out there!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Life of Marie: Patrick Swayze

Whilst honeymooning in Hawaii we listened exclusively to local radio to really put ourselves in the island spirit. The added benefit of these stations was there wasn't a lot of annoying DJ chatter either. We missed out on a lot of news while we were there, but one of the DJs was apparently impacted enough by Patrick Swayze's death to make an exception. She ended her mini-tribute with: "We'll miss you Patrick Swayze, but your movies will live on in our hearts. 'Nobody backs baby into a corner'".

Hmmmm...maybe you want to watch Dirty Dancing one more time?

SIW: Cooking Classes

The more success I have with cooking, the less I hate it. Since I'm all about preparing fresh, home-cooked meals for my family, I am on a mission to gain more confidence and better technique in the kitchen. I pass The Culinary School of the Rockies every single day going to and from work and they offer a Basic Cooking workshop that has 5, 5 hour classes and I've been wanting to take it since I've moved to Boulder. So far it's been a little out of my budget, but as each day goes by the more and more I see myself shelling out the cash. So if you're looking for gift ideas, they sell gift certificates and I would love to soften the blow of tuition.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

SIW: iTwinge

Another iPhone gadget I read about on is the iTwinge which is a little number that goes on your iPhone to simulate a proper keyboard. The awesomeness of this is two-fold a) I hate that the iPhone keyboard isn't tactile so you have to stare at it to type and b) for some reason it doesn't always recognize my fingers. This is actually an issue I have with a lot of electronics, such as those motion sensor paper towel dispensers in bathrooms. I don't know if my hands or too cold or if technology is conspiring against me personally or what, but anyway, this little device would be super useful.

SIW: MovieWedge

Read about this cool little invention on It's called a MovieWedge and it's basically a pretty simple little bean bag sort-of thing that lets you prop up your iPhone. May sound silly, but as someone who watches a lot of TV shows on her iPhone, I would definitely shell out ten bucks for this handy little sucker.

Monday, October 26, 2009

POTD: Superhero Boots?

When I came across these boots on ProntoStyle I was really, really hoping that they were intended as part of some kind of superhero costume. Upon further inspection, it looks like they are serious about these as actual boots. *sigh*

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Life of Marie: Pet Snuggies

This is a little segment I've chosen to call 'Life of Marie' which will mostly consist of things I see or hear in my day to day life that I find interesting or amusing.

Today we were in good old Bed, Bath & Beyond snagging up some more home goodies with gift cards from our wedding when I came across a display of "Snuggies for Dogs". Now I'm one of the few people in the world who doesn't think Snuggies are absolutely ridiculous to begin with, but I absolutely draw the line here. I mean, when was the last time your dog was sitting on the couch wearing a blanket and thought "Gee I really wish I had my paws free so I could type on the computer/hold a baby/drink my tea!"? The answer is NEVER. Who is buying these and why???

Stuff I Want: Michael Buble

Introducing the 'Stuff I Want' portion of my blog, although for this particular entry it would probably also work as "People I Want", but that's another story. I get a lot of "What do you want for your Birthday/Christmas" questions from my generous loved ones and on the spot I can never think of things. If you find it tacky, I apologize, but I hope that most of you find it useful or at least just interesting.

Without further ado, Michael Buble has come out with a new CD "Crazy Love". Since I crazy love him and his voice, would not mind adding this to my collection.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Emma Pillsbury

Emma Pillsbury from the TV show Glee is pretty much my new idol. She's cute, she's got red hair, a preppy look, and she's got OCD. So today I am wearing my J. Crew flower cardigan that she wore on the show in an attempt to be 1/100th as cool as she is. Unfortunately, mine is not pink (shocking I know!), probably because navy was on sale. Which leads me to the question: how does she afford so many adorable J. Crew outfits on a teacher's salary?

POTD: Halloween Contacts

These Halloween contact lenses are really freaking me out, but I guess that's the whole idea, so well done guys, well done.

POTD: Mr. Wiggles

I'd like to introduce you to a concept called "Product of the Day", these are some highlights of the wacky/scary/funny products that I come across doing my Data Quality work for For today's POTD, please let me introduce you to Mr. Wiggles. Apparently he is "everyone's favorite pill-popping, trash-talking, living room-defecating teddy bear". Proving once again that there is just something undeniably funny about adorable teddies who go bad.

There's Beauty in the Breakdown

Ach! I have a blog! What am I doing with a blog? What am I going to do with this blog? Well I am currently planning on filling it with products I find at work (from the actually useful to the completely absurd), great recipes, and what I hope are funny tidbits from my life. As always, I'm a slow adapter to new trends and technology, but for those of you who have been hitting this dead URL daily just wishin, and hopin, and thinkin, and praying, I hope it was worth the wait.