Thursday, April 29, 2010

POTD: Sexy Modeling

Modeling tip #2: To be exceptionally sexy, make it look like you have to use the restroom really badly. No one will be able to resist your sex appeal and will buy your sexy leopard print dress by the droves.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Life of Marie: Diva Much?

Wow J-Lo, are you really that much of a diva that you have to put your hand all across your co-star's face? Don't worry Miss Lopez, you are taking up 80% of this poster.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Life of Marie: KFC Double Down

Dear KFC,

It's probably a pretty strong indication that you have made a ridiculous product when you have to post the line "The new KFC Double Down sandwich is real!" on your website.


PS- While I normally think people suing fast food restaurants for being overweight and/or unhealthy is ridiculous, stuff like this could make me change my mind. Do you not feel any social responsibility?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Life of Marie: More Resolutions

1. Learn to Sail Now that I live on an island, it feels like the perfect opportunity to learn this new hobby. Sailing lessons are booked and now I just have to find some cute boat shoes!

2. Read More With my discovery of the Kindle app for my iPhone I'm finding it easier to squeeze in reading time in my life. I've been reading more for pleasure (fiction) and will be adding a book review section to this blog. I have also been reading more books to enhance my knowledge base for work (Web Usability, Web Marketing, etc) and for my hobbies (Photography, Sailing, etc) which is surprisingly rewarding and not nearly as dull as I anticipated.

3. Get some Cowgirl Boots Even though I'm back in NY and my original roots, there's no denying that part of me is now a Texan. I plan on representing my Texan side while in Yankeeland by gettin me some cowgirl boots. I'm looking for the styles above, but those are sold out, so I will continue my hunt - look for a Savvy Shopper post coming your way soon!

POTD: The Armpit Sniff

Aaaaaand we're back with today's modeling lesson*.

Tip 1: Refrain from any pose wherein you appear to be sniffing your armpit. Please see above example.

*Disclaimer: I am currently not a model, have never been a model, and never plan to be a model. All modeling expertise imparted here is a combination of things learned whilst watching America's Next Top Model and common sense.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

POTD: Bacon Baby

I'm seriously hoping this Bacon Flavored Baby Formula is an April's Fools Day joke, but in the United States of America...who can really be sure?