Tuesday, November 24, 2009


My friend Mel broke the news to me today that Weezer has their own line of Snuggies. It's some kind of cosmic collision of two of my favorite things! Like Rivers Cuomo says in this NPR article "Well, like Weezer, Snuggies are just this weird, cool product that everyone seems to like, they're really popular, and you can't really figure out why. So we figured it's a good match."

They even have their own commercial! This just shot to the top of my Christmas List since they are doing a promotion with their new CD Raditude which was already on my wish list.

Friday, November 20, 2009

POTD: Missoni

This "Missoni" person needs to be stopped. Who the hell is paying $1,900 for these? And more importantly, WHY?

POTD: Mummy Leggings

For only $913.84 you too can look like a mummy*! This is either the most expensive Halloween costume I've ever seen, or just a great example of designers trying to pull the wool over people's eyes. Ha! Get it? Wool? Ok, yah, I agree, not that clever.

*Note, this price includes the leggings only, you will have to shell out another $810 for the matching top.

Crate & Barrel

Now I like Crate & Barrel just as much as the next yuppie, but 20 bucks for a leaf? We've got to draw the line somewhere.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

SIW: SodaStream

I'm not a huge fan of plain old tap water, so I wind up drinking a lot of sparkling water, which is why the SodaStream Soda Maker is a perfect solution for me. It will save me a lot of effort hauling seltzer from the grocery store to my apartment as well as drastically reduce the number of plastic bottles I am sending to the recycling center. Would I absolutely love the adorable Penguin SodaStream? Yes of course! But I just can't justify the extra $100 cost on cuteness alone.


Really? This was the best model they could get? You know this dude tells chicks at bars that he's a model.

Monday, November 16, 2009

POTD: Believe Tree Skirt

Really? None of the good folks at St. Nicholas Square thought red text on a red background wasn't perhaps the best design element here? Don't stop eli ve-ing guys.

POTD: Upside Down Christmas Trees

Occasionally I'll run into a product like these upside-down Christmas trees here which is just different for the sake of being different. Dear guy who came up with this, I know you probably think you are clever, but I've got a newsflash for ya buddy: You are not.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Life of Marie: Office Mates

You're probably not a very good office mate if your office mate wears ear plugs. I'm just sayin...

POTD: Tap Master

"If your have the drinks you have the power. With the Party Tap Drink Dispenser, you'll be right in the middle of the party. You'll have plenty of new friends soon, ones you'd . Fill up the back tube with your beverage of choice and your ready to start the party. The party Tap Dispenser also comes with a mesh pouch so you'll always have extra cups at hand. And remember, the guy with the party tap is always invited to the party! Be the life of the party for $19.95!"

Usually the Product of the Day is something I consider completely ridiculous, and while this does rank on the ridiculous scale, I'd be lying if I said I didn't think it was cool. I'd also be lying if I said I wouldn't instantly try to become friends with someone sporting one of these. Another great example of money buying popularity.

Life of Marie: Deep Thoughts

I've been posed two unrelated yet deep questions in the last 24 hours that I felt the need to share:

Cristina: What exactly is a cobweb? I mean, is it a cobweb if the spider is actively living in it or only if it's abandoned?

Andrea: Do baby unicorns have horns?

Savvy Shopper: Gap Family

Today through Sunday the Gap Family is having a Friends & Family sale which I am "authorized" to share with you. For 30% off at Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic, or Athleta shoot me an e-mail and I will hook you up.

What did I do with my 30%? Well since summer time I've been looking for a pair of tan, high-heeled sandals and looky, looky what I found on sale at The Banana. Originally $140, on sale for $59.99, then 30% off brought these beauties down to $52.62 (with shipping). Another deal over 60% off. Now I just have to patiently wait until Spring (or maybe just my next trip to Austin) to take these beauts for a spin.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

SIW: Amazon Wishlist

Christmas wishlist update: I am putting everything I can onto my Amazon Wishlist to help streamline things. Also, Mike and I are keeping our Amazon and BB&B registries open through Christmas to try and help make holiday shopping as easy as possible for people. Sorry for anyone who finds any of this tacky, since it's intended to be helpful to my family. I now return you to your regularly scheduled blog.

Savvy Shopper: Menswear Bow Pumps

I personally don't believe in paying full retail price for apparel. I mean, with all the reward cards, sales, markdowns, and coupons out there, it's too easy to snag a great deal. Since I spend time collecting coupons and scoping out sales I figured I would share these great deals with the world via my blog.

Today I bought the Ann Marino Menswear Bow Pumps at DSW.com. They are on sale, then I used their free shipping code (SNOWMAN), a couple of coupon codes I found on retailmenot.com (KCPROMO and NOVPKG), and a rewards certificate. This all brought the price down from the original $65.00 to a whopping total of $32.20 delivered to my door. That's right people. That's a tad more than 50% off!

Update: Unfortunately these pumps ran big and were such a hot item that I wasn't able to trade them down for the next size down since they were sold out. Major bummmer.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Is he serious with this?

When there was a Broadway star on American Idol last season I should have been instantly sold. But then I watched this Adam Lambert fellow and couldn't stand him. Was it possible that he was TOO theatrical for MY taste? I didn't think that was even possible. Disappointed, I continued to not watch that season and to ignore and avoid the Lambert kid as much as possible. That is, until he did this. Is he serious with this album cover? I mean, who is the target audience here? Wasn't Clay Aiken considered a little too gay for good album sales in America?

Monday, November 9, 2009

SMW: Across the Universe

Here's another request from Mike that I am pretty excited about reaping the benefits of (you know, since half of it will be mine now). We watched Across the Universe recently and I was pretty surprised that he really enjoyed it, so much so that he'd like to own it on Blu-Ray. I'm so proud.

SMW: Bowie

It seems easier to manage our Christmas wish lists in one place, so I am going to go ahead and add a 'Stuff Mike Wants' section to my blog. His first request is the Best of Bowie CD, which I will fully enjoy as well and am shamed to admit I don't own (although I do have a pretty decent percentage of the songs on here).

SIW: Glee Soundtrack

As a Westwood Show Choir alumn, you shouldn't be surprised that I am completely head-over-heels for Glee, the TV show about high school show choir. There's not much to say here other than I can't wait to rock out to this soundtrack!

Monday, November 2, 2009

POTD: Chess Hats

I just don't have many words for this page of chess hats I found. My basic reaction is pity for this poor girl used as a model in at least 20 different poses and angles. Something tells me she is home schooled. Oh and did you notice the whole set is only $599? Wow, now that's a small price to pay to make 32 kids wish they were dead.