Thursday, May 23, 2013

Theatre Review: Pippin

Playbill: Pippin
Pre-theatre meal: N/A. Wine & Twizzers at the theatre (Don't judge!)
Accompanied by: Me, Myself, & I

Found myself with a free evening so made a last minute decision to hit the TKTS booth and grab a ticket to Pippin per my Grandmother's glowing recommendation. Got my sippy cup of wine and bag of Twizzlers (aka Dinner) and settled in for a night of "Entertainment with a Capital E" as my Grandma described it. And boy was she right. I somehow have had very little exposure to Pippin, so besides for the first bit of the opening number the music and plot were all totally new to me.

Now, the plot is…odd. But you barely notice because of all the spectacle around. The decision to embrace the circus theme with a Cirque du Soleil type vibe ended up working very well here. Oh and Patina Miller? Holy cow. I could watch her do ANYthing for 2 hours. She's fantastic and if she doesn't get the Tony it will be an absolute crime.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Theatre Review: Macbeth

Playbill: Macbeth
Accompanied by: Mike

Anyone doubting Alan Cummings brilliance as an actor should get their head examined. Preferably at this Sanatorium.  He almost single handedly plays the entire cast of Macbeth and it actually makes sense. Whoever thought up the concept of doing this one-man version is also brilliant. It was captivating and creepy- a fantastic rendition of the Scottich Play.