Monday, December 20, 2010

POTD: Rainbow Bouquet

For when you want to blow a hundred bucks on flowers for your favorite hippie, the Time to Celebrate Bouquet is here to save the day. On one hand it's kind of cool, but then on the other hand it's a complete abomination of nature and all that is holy.

Monday, December 13, 2010

POD: Ain't Nothin Sexier Than Scrabble

I found this Sexy Scrabble costume while doing my Christmas shopping and am now kicking myself for not finding it in time for this Halloween. Only I wouldn't be going as Sexy Scrabble I'd be wearing it in protest of the fact that people are attempting to make a 'sexy' costume version of everything under the sun*. Ok, ok, I need to work on this concept since that's kind of a mouthful to explain to someone at a Halloween party...good thing I've got plenty of time until October 31st, 2011.

*Out of curiosity I looked for a 'Sexy Sun' costume, no doing. But hey! Now they've gotten an idea for this year. I did, however, find a Sexy Sunflower costume. *sigh*

Thursday, December 9, 2010

POD: DIY Edition

Another item Unica Home is incredibly proud of and promoting heavily in their e-mails this year is this 58" christmas tree by kuno prey. Love the look, but just aren't quite sure if you can afford the $375 price tag? Well my friend, have I got the solution for you. With a coat tree, some bottle brushes, and a bottle of green dye you can achieve this level of sophistication for your very own home.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

POD: Severed Baby Hands

Now we get to the time of year where there are gift recommendations coming in left and right to help make our holiday shopping easier. For example, I received an e-mail from Unica Home suggesting this hand soap by marie gardeski might make a great gift. Now while I personally don't have anyone on my list who needs severed baby hands for their guest bath, I wanted to make sure to spread this delightful holiday treat with you. Makes a great stocking stuffer!

Monday, December 6, 2010

POD: Putting the extra Ho in Ho, Ho, Ho

Putting together a list of LBDs (Little Black Dresses) on ProntoStyle for our Holiday party dress trends collection and came across this little dress by Rochas. Please note that it does in fact specify that it is part of the Fall/Winter collection. I'm not one to give out too much fashion advice, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and forbid you to wear this to your office holiday party.